• 2024-04-18
    窗体顶端Recently, a paper was published in Journal of Materials Chemistry A by Xu Han and others from associate professor Xuefei Xu’s group at the Center for Combustion Energy and Department of Energy and Power Engineering of Tsinghua University. The title of this paper is ‘Mechanistic insights into trisulfur radical generation in lithium-sulfur batteries’.As next-generation battery systems,...
  • 2024-04-01
    窗体顶端Recently, a series of collaborative research work by Associate Professor Xiaoqing You from the Center for Combustion Energy and Professor Shuxiao Wang from the School of Environment at Tsinghua University has been published in the journals "Chemical Engineering Journal" and "Fuel". The titles of the papers are "Flame-made high-capacity and highly efficient nanomaterial CuOx-CeOx-WO3/TiO...
  • 2022-06-06
    To promote academic atmosphere and elevate students’ communication skills, Center for Combustion Energy hosted “2022 CCE Poster Day” on June 01, 2022.Presented by student authors, posters were required to have well-organized and lucid content with figures supported by texts. There were 21 posters joining the event this year, including 8 from the undergraduate course “Research Practice” and...
Digital DEPE
  • 42
    42 of the faculty are full professors
  • 12
    Total 12 famous scholars at home and ...
  • 2017
    DEPE was renamed in 2017
  • 5
    DEPE includes five research institute...